Monday, February 27, 2012

Adopting the "FAMOUS" dogs

People LINED up on Sunday for a chance to get one of the many puppies rescued in a HSUS raid last month. The great news is many of these people had never been to the shelter before. I am hopeful they will adopt one of hundreds of dogs who have been there for a while. 

Everyone wants the "famous" dogs - and they have no clue what they are going to get. These animals were not bred with good health in mind - just their appearance when they are puppies. Most of them will have health issues as they get older. Many of these are Bulldogs who require a lot more grooming and daily "maintenance" than most dogs - and these people have no clue about it.

 All they know is they look cute in the TV stories . In many ways, this is very disturbing to me - I know that many will be returned or just abandoned when they are not cute little puppies anymore and they have not been house trained. These humans need to get trained before they get a dog who needs special care. There are SO many good, healthy dogs there to adopt........

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